About Us

Renate, Philip & Zack

Renate & Philip

These pictures are almost 10 years old but we still look just like this inside our heads. Feel free to Photoshop them, or just extrapolate. That's what imagination is for!

We're 64-ish and live in a big old house in Woodsville, NH, hereinafter for convenience sometimes referred to as MooseTrails.

Philip works full time for the Littleton Coin Company as an IT-Guy, currently doing Information Technology Project Management. Renate works (very) part time for a local cardiologist where she does general office work.




I'm a full time dog; a mix of Border Collie and Springer Spaniel, and 11 years old. I found mom and dad when they visited me at the Lancaster Humane Society, and I rescued them from a dull life without me. I made them much more interesting people and trained them to take good care of me. Took me awhile but I think they're pretty much whipped into shape by now. They'll never win any obedience medals and certainly won't do well in agility trials but all in all, they're not too shabby.

You can follow my exciting adventures in the MooseTalk Blog by clicking on the "MooseTalk Blog" link at the top of this page. You can also send me a message by going to the "Contact" page and emailing mom. She forwards my mail after making sure everything is dog-appropriate.